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10 questions
I in ISPACE stands for...
Interesting start
-ing words e.g. leaning, crouching...
I don't know
-ed words e.g scared, dared...
E in ISPACE stands for...
-ed words
exaggerated start
exciting words
An example of a 'P' ISPACE phrase is...
Like a diamond, the sun gleamed...
Behind the wall, I saw...
Scared, I moved quickly...
Making my way...
An example of an 'A' from ISPACE phrase is...
I tried to say no...
Inside the castle, there was...
As slow as a snail, I walked to...
Lazily, I rolled out of bed...
An example of a 'S' phrase from ISPACE is...
Beware; you don't know...
Inching closer, I tried to grab the statue...
Like a predator, the teacher moved towards me...
As dark as night, the cat's fur gleamed...
The C in ISPACE stands for...
An example 'E' phrase form ISPACE is...
Scared though I was, I inched towards...
Eventually, I made it to...
Incredibly, I didn't ...
Meanwhile, my sister was...
ISPACE helps us add what type of clause to our sentences?
A subordinate clause is...
...a sentence fragment that needs a main clause to make sense. It is used to add detail or more information to sentences.
...a sentence that is shorter than a main clause
...a sentence fragment that makes sense by itself
... a longer part of the sentence that needs 2 commas
Subordination in English grammar is...
...the process of adding commas to sentences
...the process of shortening sentences
... the process of linking two clauses in a sentence so that one clause is dependent on (or subordinate to) another
... the process of classifying sentences
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