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10 questions
ALARA concept define as
As Low As Reasonably Accepted
As Low As Reasonably Achieveable
As Low As Radiation Available
Name 3 Principle of Radiation Protection that minimise radiation exposure
Shielding, Time and Distant
Shielding, Detector, PPE
Calibration, Detector, PPE
The Roentgen (R) exposure is measured in:
Which unit describes how radioactive a radiation source is?
Gray, Gy
Sievert, Sv
Becquerel, Bq
The annual dose limit for the whole body of an adult (over 18) at work is:
20 mSv
1 Sv
50 mSv
20 Sv
You can reduce your exposure to radiation by doing the following:
Increasing your distance from the source
Decreasing the amount of time near the source
Provide shielding between yourself and the source
None of the above
Gamma radiation can be shielded with:
Your skin
What is the effective dose limit for a non-nuclear energy worker?
3 miliseiverts per year
1 milisievert per year
20 miliseiverts per year
None of the above
The annual dose limit for the whole body of an adult (over 18) at work is:
20 mSv
1 Sv
50 mSv
20 Sv
To protect yourself from the internal radiation exposure, you should:
NOT eat and drink in the lab
NOT store empty cups/containers/utensils in the lab or near radioactive materials
NOT store food and/or drink in the lab
All of the above
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