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10 questions
What does ISO stands for?
International School Organization
International Standard Operation
International Standard Organization
International Standard Station
What does this symbol mean?
Wear eye protection
Wear hand protection
Wear safety boots
Wear safety helmet
What does this symbol mean?
Slippery stairs
Silppery floor
No entry
Cross road
Where can you see this sign?
At a construction area
At a museum
On the road
At a restaurant
Where can you see this sign?
At a hospital
At a bank
On the road
At a library
You must not enter this area.
Look out! ________ touch the hot surface
Which symbols are yellow and black, and triangle in shape?
Warning symbols
Prohibition symbols
Mandatory symbols
Information symbols
What type of this symbol?
Warning symbol
Prohibition symbol
Mandatory symbol
Information symbol
What type of this symbol?
Warning symbol
Prohibition symbol
Mandatory symbol
Information symbol
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