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10 questions
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Classwork & Homework
Teacher Lecture & Notes
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Test & Quizzes
A student gets the POC and writes it in their Tutorial Request Form. What is a POC?
Proof of Concept
Point of Contact
Personally Our Concern
Point of Confussion
How many students should be in a tutorial group?
3 - 5
Only 2 so they can be partners
As many as possible
No group are formed due to online sessions
When everyone is seated and has their material out, how does the tutorial process begin?
The tutor selects a presenter
The teacher selects a presenter
The group selects a presenter
A presenter volunteers
As the group members get ready to start a tutorial, they should take out their ______________ in order to help the presenter.
Focus Notes
I pad to record session
5 column notes
Repetition Poster and Academic Language Stems
When a presenter begin their presentation, what kind of speech do they give?
30 second speech
60 second speech
2 minute speech
5 minute speech
What do the group members do to help the presenter with their problem?
Give the presenter the answer
Ask the presenter to look at his class notes
Take out an old quiz
Ask inquiring Questions
When a student presenter figures out their misunderstanding in class, they will "synthesize the process", what does that mean?
Summarize the main points
Put answer in order
Divide the work
Disorganize the order
Once a presenter finishes his tutorial, the process is repeated for another student
After the tutorial session, all students write a(n)______________
explanation to their teacher
Short story about the tutorial
A "thank you" note to the group
Summary & reflection
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