


Evaluating an Argument (Practice Quiz)


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    Does Lola us strong evidence in the following?

    It seems like every high school student is expected to go to college. Some teenagers resent the pressure this expectation puts on them. But we teens have to be realistic. A college degree is necessary in today's world.

    Most employers today require job applicants to have a college degree. Many jobs require specific skills acquired through college courses geared to that profession. Of course, not every job requires the exact subject matter you learned at college. But employers are looking for people with perseverance, analytical skills, and the ability to communicate. Those are things you will learn during your years at college.

    The evidence is relevant but insufficient because it only discusses things one learns in college.

    The evidence sufficiently supports the reason about getting a job but does not relate to the claim.

    The evidence is relevant and sufficient because the main reason people go to college is to get jobs and support themselves.

    The evidence relates to the claim but does not sufficiently address teenagers' resentment of the pressure to go to college

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    45 seconds
    1 pt

    In "Water Flowing from Toilet to Tap May Be Hard to Swallow,” what reasons does Schwartz give to support his claim? Select two options

    "Water recycling is common for uses like irrigation; purple pipes in many California towns deliver water to golf courses, zoos and farms."

    "Enticing people to drink recycled water, however, requires getting past what experts call the 'yuck' factor."

    "In November, the San Diego City Council voted for a $2.9 billion Pure Water program to provide a third of the city’s daily needs by 2035."

    "The processes . . . that clean the water include microfiltration that strains out anything larger than 0.2 microns, removing almost all suspended solids, bacteria and protozoa."

    "People tend to judge risk emotionally, he said, and a phrase like 'toilet to tap' can undercut earnest explanations."

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    Summarize this paragraph:

    My friends like going to fast food restaurants. It's not that I mind, but I'm a vegan, and these restaurants offer very little I can eat. Even salads contain ingredients like cheese, eggs, and ham. What's more, there may be cream, eggs, or gelatin in the dressing. Sometimes, all I can do is order is something to drink, while my friends enjoy their meals. However, by not offering vegan meals, fast food restaurants are missing out on additional sales.

    Fast food restaurants attract a lot of customers.

    Fast food restaurants need to create more varied menus.

    Fast food restaurants would profit from offering vegan meals.

    Fast food restaurants would lose money by catering to vegans.

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