



Pro/Con:US Recycling


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    Which statement BEST compares the points of view of the PRO and CON authors?

    The PRO author wants to investigate the true cost of recycling, while the CON author wants to avoid talking about the cost.

    The PRO author supports creating more recycling programs, while the CON author is against more recycling programs.

    The PRO author wants to reduce the cost of recycling, while the CON author thinks that the cost needs to be increased.

    The PRO author supports the idea of eliminating recycling programs, while the CON author is against eliminating them.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
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    Which statement from the PRO author BEST conveys his purpose in the article?

    More intelligent environmental policies would consider the costs and benefits of recycling programs. They should scrap those that are wasteful and harmful to the environment.

    Even the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says it only makes sense economically and environmentally to recycle about 35 percent of our trash. Among those materials are paper and aluminum cans, according to the government department.

    Why the charade? Because “reduce, reuse, recycle” is an emotional slogan, not reasonable environmental policy. Years of brainwashing make most Americans blind to the actual evidence surrounding recycling programs.

    If you’re worried about the planet, please make sure your garbage is buried in a landfill. There’s plenty of space available.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    Read the sentence from the PRO article:

    "The true recycling test is whether someone is willing to pay you to sort and save your trash."

    The PRO author uses this statement to support which claim?

    People are using inaccurate methods to test recycling programs.

    Recycling does not make sense economically.

    The government should help pay for recycling programs.

    Reducing and reusing are less expensive than recycling.

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