



Unit 5.2 Test Review


12 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt

    All of the following are reasons that a standardized taxonomic system is important to the scientific community EXCEPT -

    Todas las siguientes son razones por las que un sistema taxonómico estandarizado es importante para la comunidad científica EXCEPTO:

    scientists worldwide an classify organisms using common nomenclature

    it allows scientists to study the evolutionary history of organisms

    the system provides a two name identification that is easier to remember than a common name

    the system allows organisms to know their names so that they get confused

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt

    A student examines a sample of pond water under a microscope and observes a single-celled heterotrophic eukaryotes swimming through the water. To which of the following kingdoms does this organism most likely belong?

    Un estudiante examina una muestra de agua de un estanque bajo un microscopio y observa un eucariota heterotrófico unicelular nadando a través del agua. ¿A cuál de los siguientes reinos pertenece más probablemente este organismo?





  • 3. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt

    Which of the following conclusions is correct about the members of Group A and Group B?

    ¿Cuál de las siguientes conclusiones es correcta sobre los miembros del Grupo A y del Grupo B?

    Group A members belong to Domain Eukarya and Group B members belong to Kingdom Fungi

    Group A members belong to Kingdom Plantae, and Group B members belong to Domain Bacteria

    Group A members belong to Kingdom Fungi, and Group B members belong to Domain Archaea

    Group A members belong to Domain Eukarya, and Group B members belong to Kingdom Plantae

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