Geography, History, Social Studies




AP Human Test Unit 7


31 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    What is a common impact of urbanization regardless of a country’s level of economic development?

    Urbanization means a loss of agricultural production due to the loss of farmland and farmworkers.

    Urbanization leads to a more egalitarian society as the difference between urban and rural lifestyles is reduced

    Urbanization creates a larger cultural and economic gap between urban and rural areas

    Urbanization creates a labor force with a diversity of job skills and compensation levels.

    Urbanization creates socially and economically diverse cities that have little social conflict.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
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    Which of the following similarities best explains why cities such as Venice, Amsterdam, Hamburg, London, and Marseilles were early front-runners in urban development in Western Europe?

    These cities were early hearths of domestication, functioning as centers of agricultural production.

    These port cities were centers of trade, serving as links in terms of capital and labor mobility.

    These cities were hubs of population growth, rapidly expanding to become the first megacities.

    These industrial cities were centers of manufacturing, supplying Western Europe with new technology.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
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    Which site factor best explains the linear pattern of urbanized areas extending between Washington, DC, Philadelphia, New York, and Boston?

    The development of cities in the region was influenced by the abundance of deep-water harbors and waterfalls where the flat coastal plains met higher lands.

    The development of urbanized areas in the region was influenced by the ability to easily transport goods between coastal areas and the interior of the country.

    The growth of cities in the region was influenced by the accessibility of raw materials and markets through rivers and canals.

    The development of urbanized areas in the region was influenced by growing trade networks between Europe, the Caribbean, and North America.

    The growth of urbanized areas in the region was influenced by many cities achieving dominance as political, financial, and informational capitals.

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