



The Ninny by Anton Chekhov--12.2(Test)


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
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    The narrator of "The Ninny" calls Yulia into the study in order to

    pay her.

    to ask if she broke a cup and a saucer.

    scold her.

    take money from her.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    In "The Ninny" in what does the narrator first cheat Yulia out of money owe to her?

    He says she worked fewer hours each day than she really worked.

    He deducts money because she broke a very special and expensive dish.

    He substracts money from her pay for days she took off to visit a sick relative.

    The narrator(boss) claims they agreed on thirty rubles a month, not forty.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    How does Yulia in "The Ninny" react when the employer deducts Sundays from her pay?

    She cries loudly.

    She stamps her feet and shouts.

    She says nothing.

    She agrees that she should not be paid for Sundays.

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