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8 questions
Berapakah bilangan guli yang digunakan di dalam congkak ?
how many marbles are used in congkak ?
Berdasarkan gambar di atas , namakan jenis ukiran kayu tradisional tersebut.
Based on the picture above, name the type of traditional wood carving.
Motif salur dan daun
Duct and leaf motifs
Motif bunga semangat
Motive flower motifs
Motif itik pulang petang
The duck motif came home in the afternoon
Motif pucuk rebung
The motif of bamboo shoots
Apakah makanan tradisional Perak ?
What is traditional Perak food?
Tempoyak Ikan patin
Rendang cili padi
Bilakah Malaysia mendapat kemerdekaan ?
When Malaysia gained independence ?
31 Ogos 1957
1 Ogos 1957
9 September 1959
15 September 1960
Berapakah warna yang ada di dalam bendera Malaysia ?
How many colors are there in the Malaysian flag?
4 warna iaitu biru , kuning , merah dan putih
4 colours which is blue , yellow , red and white
3 warna iaitu putih , merah dan biru
3 colours which is white , red and blue
4 warna iaitu merah , putih , kuning dan hitam
4 colours whicxh is red , white , yellow and black
2 warna Iaitu merah dan putih
2 colours which is red and white
Berapakah bilangan negeri rasmi di dalam negara Malaysia ?
What is the number of official states in Malaysia?
14 buah negeri
14 state
13 buah negeri
13 state
12 buah negeri
12 state
10 buah negeri
10 state
Pilih Jenis jenis gasing yang wujud.
Select the type of top type that exists.
Gasing besi
top iron
Gasing puyuh
top quail
Gasing berombak
wavy tops
Gasing paru
gasing paru
Berdasarkan gambar di atas, nyatakan asal usul rumah tersebut di cipta.
Based on the picture above, state the origin of the house was created.
Rumah terengganu
Terengganu house
Rumah melaka
Melaka House
Rumah selangor
selangor house
Rumah Pinang
Pinang house
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