Utility Wires Review

Morgan Bussian
3rd Grade
974 plays
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Multiple Choice
Read the passage from "Bury All Utility Wires."
Today the best place for utility wires is out of sight. They belong underground. Burying them will improve service. It will reduce danger. And it will make our city more attractive. Which sentence from the passage is a main idea of the article?
"Today, the best place for utility wires is out of sight."
"It will reduce danger."
"And it will make our city more attractive."
"Burying them will improve service."
Multiple Choice
Which answer choice best states the main idea of "Keep Our Wires High in the Sky"?
Burying the wires will be expensive and take a long time.
Utility wires should stay above the ground.
It is safer to have the wires above ground.
Keeping wires above ground improves service.
Multiple Choice
Which key detail supports the main idea of "Bury All Utility Wires"?
Burying wires will improve service.
Burying wires will take too long.
Burying wires will harm wildlife.
Burying wires will cost too much money.
Multiple Choice
What is the author's purpose for writing "Bury All Utility Wires"?
to amuse readers
to inform readers
to persuade readers
Multiple Choice
Read the passage from "Bury All Utility Wires."
Everyone has a refrigerator. Everyone uses the phone. Everyone relies on utility wires. So burying them will make life easier, safer, and more pleasant for everyone. Further, it will not make life worse for anyone. No one will suffer because of this project. Honestly, good luck finding a better way to spend the money.
Which sentence best expresses the author's point of view?
“Everyone has a refrigerator.”
“Burying them will make life easier, safer, and more pleasant for everyone.”
“No one will suffer because of this project.”
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