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15 questions
A person spending one or more night away from home for business or pleasure
A tourist visiting a destination within their own country
domestic tourist
nature tourist
The Tourism Product can consist of
tangible items only
non tangible items only
tangible and non tangible items
The tourism product is the same as 40 yrs ago
The definition of Tourism defines
a tourist only
the tourist industry only
the tourist as well as the tourist industry
the business of catering to the travellers’ needs for transportation, accommodation, food, entertainment, recreational activities and souvenirs
tourism ( the act)
tourism (the industry)
none of the above
The tourist product is impacted by the quality of a country's physical resources only
Someone who travels within the geographical region of his/ her country of residence
International tourist
Regional tourist
Domestic tourist
Why does a place attract tourist? Click all that apply
To make money
To attend special events like weddings, jazz festival
To over throw a country
To experience a different culture in a safe, politically stable nation serviced by some mode of transport which caters to all tourist types is the role of the..
Host country
supply country
Have interaction with tourism promoters from host countries is the role of the ...
host country
supply country
...providing an overseas marketing and promotional presence in key markets (Tourist Boards, Departments, Bureaus, Ministries of Tourism), is the function of
the government
regional and international donor agencies
other factors
determines national tourism policies
tourist board
ministries of tourism
hotel association
"plans, develops and improves tourism products" This is done by..
the tourist board
local hotel association
tourism investment or product development agency
This group "looks after the interest of small hotels" They are the
Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association
Caribbean Tourism Organization
Caribbean Development Bank
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