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8 questions
What is a hybrid genre?
A genre that uses hybrid conventions.
When two media texts are put together.
When conventions from two or more genres are used in a media text.
A media text that uses sci-fi conventions.
How are BAME people represented in the NHS Represent advert? (select 2 answers)
As stereotypes
As countertypes.
As giving blood.
As being successful.
What is a non-linear narrative structure?
When a media text uses Todorov's Narrative structure.
When a media text uses Todorov's Narrative structure backwards.
When a media text uses hybrid genres.
When a media text doesn't have a typical begin, middle and end.
What is a multi-stranded narrative?
A narrative that has lots of characters.
A narrative that doesn't have a typical beginning, middle and end.
A narrative that goes backwards.
A narrative that follows lots of small stories rather than one main narrative.
The NHS Represent advert uses lots of hip hop genre ............
Write 3 hip hop genre conventions that the NHS Represent advert uses.
Write a definition of Stuart Hall's Reception Theory. Try to use these words: audience, interpret.
According to Stuart Hall's Reception Theory what are the 3 types of interpretation an audience might have of a media text?
Preferred reading
Unprefered reading
Oppositional reading
Balanced reading
Negotiated reading
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