



The Ptolemaic Dynasty


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    1. What is Ptolemaic Dynasty?

    One of the Alexander the Great’s generals built an empire that dominated the Mediterranean for 200 Years

    Carefully controsting vastly different cultures under Green rule

    The conquests of Alexander the Great changed the lands they touched in

    Alexander was welcomed as a liberator when he conquered the country from the Persians.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
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    2. Why was the Alexander was died due to empire quickly fell apart?

    Ptolemy continued to rule in Egypt

    While wars of succession and power struggles raged across the crumbling empire

    He declared himself Pharaoh Ptolemy I Soter and established the Ptolemaic dynasty

    But their influence extended over most of the Greek world in the Mediterranean

  • 3. Multiple Choice
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    3. How was the architecture was built?

    Architecture was built by Ptolemies was impressive to many

    Only these of Greek lineage (ancestry) held powerful positions in government and society

    Ptolemaic life in Egypt was pretty diverse

    Though most lived harmoniously together

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