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11 questions
Don't be _______ (1 word) for interviews.
Don't _______ (2 words) during the interview or go to the interview smelling of smoke.
Dress _______ and appropriately. If in doubt, it is always better to be overdressed.
________ (1 word) as much as you can about the employer or company before the interview.
Don't speak _______ (2 words) or appear desperate for the job.
Maintain good __________ (2 words) with the interviewer and smile.
Give a ________ (2 words), but not too long or too strong.
______ (2 words) straight, look alert and interested.
______! (5 words)
Do not make _____ (2 words) about previous employers (or anyone else).
Talk in terms of what you ______ (2 words) for the employer rather than the other way around.
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