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Social Studies




Push/pull factors


11 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    Humans have been migrating for thousands of years. You might remember that the earliest modern humans date back 200,000 years to Ethiopia. In the first migration, humans entered the Eurasian landmass and then moved along the coast to India, Southeast Asia, and Australia. Scientists aren’t sure exactly why our early ancestors left Africa about 60,000 years ago. Most likely, sudden climate changes were the main factor.

    How long have humans been migrating?

    2,000 years

    about 200,000 years

    about 60,000 years

    1,000 years

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    A push factor is an aspect of a country that might “push” people away. Push factors can be based on the environment, culture, economy and/or politics.

    Environmental push factors include severe weather and natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes. War and unstable governments are examples of political push factors while unemployment, or lack of jobs, is an economic push factor.

    In Syria, a terrible drought from 2006 to 2009 led thousands of farmers to move in search of work.

    What kind of push factor was the drought?

    environmental and economic

    environmental and political

    political and economic

    political only

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    While push factors push people from their homes, pull factors pull people to new locations. Better education or medical care, family ties, or a fondness for a particular place are all reasons that might attract a person to a new home.

    Like push factors, pull factors are based on the environment, culture, economy, or politics. A family might move to eastern France to take advantage of the climate and landscape near the Alps, along mountain range in Europe. This family would be pulled by an environmental factor.

    Which of these describes immigration due to a political pull factor?

    People leaving Eastern Europe in the 1940s when communist governments took hold of their countries

    People coming to the US in the 1940s because they were drawn to the democratic government.

    People moving to Northern California because they are drawn to the mild weather.

    People leaving Chicago because of the cold and snowy winters.

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