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Graphical Elements in Poetry


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    3 minutes
    1 pt

    Choose the BEST ANSWER: An author mainly uses a graphical element to...

    distract the reader.

    emphasize a word/concept.

    make a poem pretty.

    get paid more.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    3 minutes
    1 pt

    This World is not Conclusion

    By Emily Dickinson

    This World is not Conclusion.

    A Species stands beyond—

    Invisible, as Music—

    But positive, as Sound—

    It beckons, and it baffles—

    In the poem above, Emily Dickinson uses capitalization to... (more than one correct answer)

    draw the reader's attention to capitalized words.

    emphasize the capitalized words and their meaning.

    confuse her reader.

    teach her reader about capitalizing proper nouns.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    3 minutes
    1 pt


    A collection of rhyming words

    Is not a description for poetry

    Nor do lines of counted syllables

    A meaningful poem make

    For, like life’s other wonders,

    the art of the poet does not

    conform to the rules of those

    who would seek to bend it

    to fit neatly among their

    concepts of expression

    Movies, and novels, and plays



    Packaged and produced

    Poetry is freedom

    Found on pages,

    Its true home is the air

    It’s first pen, a tongue

    It’s first tongue, a mind

    It’s only shape

    The space it fills

    Poetry floats



    Question: Choose the statement that best describes the role of structure in the poem's meaning.

    By not using rhyme, the free verse poem gives freedom to express emotions.

    The poem's rhyme scheme reminds the reader that poetry is about words and rhythm.

    Having one stanza makes the reader think about the many different forms poetry often takes.

    The poet only uses commas and shows he or she only cares about some rules in poetry and not all.

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