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Reading Quiz


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    1. Read the underlined sentences, then choose the best answer to the question.

    I never brush my teeth.

    I have cavities.

    What does the second sentence do?

    It states an effect.

    It states an example.

    It restates the previous idea.

    It describes the previous sentence.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt

    Read the passage below and answer the question !

    Generation Unity is a multi-stakeholder initiative that aims to ensure all young people are in school, training or employment by 2025. It will focus on skills for learning, employment and empowerment, especially for girls. Young people will be central to every aspect of this initiative.


    From the text above, we know that ...

    Generation Unity aims to ensure young people to be unemployed by 2025

    All young people should go to school before 2025

    Young people will be the core of Generation Unlimited.

    Generation Unlimited is not for girls.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt

    Read the paragraph below !

    There are two main types of alpacas, the huacaya and the suri (sometimes spelled suriya depending on where you are). The main difference between the two is price and appearance. Huacayas are more common which makes them cheaper to buy. They are also easier to take care of because their coats require less maintenance. Suris are more expensive due to their rarity and the fact that their wool can be sold for more because it is more luxurious and thicker. Their coats require more daily maintenance.


    The paragraph talks about ...

    The characteristics of Alpaca

    The description of Huacayas

    The price of Alpaca

    The differences between Huacayas and Suris

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