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'Blood' Quiz


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    45 seconds
    1 pt

    Read the dictionary entry below for the word affirmation.

    affirmation \’ăf’ә r-mā’shә n\ n 1. the act of agreeing that something is true 2. something that is decided to be true 3. a statement that helps motivate or support 4. a legal declaration saying that someone’s judgment is true

    Which definition represents the meaning of affirmation as it is used in paragraph 4?

    A Definition 1

    B Definition 2

    C Definition 3

    D Definition 4

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    45 seconds
    1 pt

    In paragraph 24, the author uses the phrases autumn leaves whirled hopelessly in the wind and tied its icy knot around houses, souls, and rocks to —

    F indicate why the shop was so empty

    G show the struggles the narrator faced

    H give clues about the narrator’s state of mind

    J give hints about what will happen to the woman

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    45 seconds
    1 pt

    The description of the man looking for blood in paragraphs 29 through 35 is important to the selection because it —

    A reveals that the narrator wants to help even more people

    B shows that the narrator’s actions could have unexpected consequences

    C demonstrates that the woman wanted bad things to happen to the narrator

    D explains why the woman wanted to pay the narrator

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