



APUSH - Period 01 - "APUSH 1.6"


9 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    "They sent one canoe with three men, one of which, when they came near unto us, spoke in his language very loud and very boldly; seeming as though he would know why we were there, and by pointing with his oar towards the sea, we conjectured he meant we should be gone. But when we showed them knives and their use, by cutting of sticks and other trifles, they came close aboard our ship, as desirous to entertain our friendship. To these we gave such things as we perceived they liked."

    -Source: George Waymouth, 1605

    The point of view expressed in the quotation above is most likely that of:

    an African man encountering European slave traders.

    an indigenous explorer encountering Europeans.

    an indigenous person encountering enslaved Africans.

    a European explorer encountering indigenous people.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    Why did the Sioux live in structures like those depicted in the image?

    They facilitated a nomadic lifestyle

    They were easily disposable

    They reinforced egalitarian social structures

    They were more durable than other forms of housing

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    Read the excerpt and answer the question below.

    “European leaders concluded that the Muslims’ power fed upon the wealth generated by their control of the most lucrative trade routes. By paying premium prices to Muslim merchants for the gold and ivory of sub-Saharan Africa and for the silks, gems, and spices of Asia, European consumers enriched the Islamic world while draining wealth from Christendom. . . . Visionary Europeans hoped to weaken their enemy and enrich themselves by seeking an alternative trade route by sea.”

    -Source: Alan Taylor, historian, American Colonies, 2001

    Which of the following primary sources would most likely support the author’s argument in the excerpt?

    Italian maps showing the locations of natural resources in the Americas

    Spanish royal council meeting notes concerning strategies for defeating Muslims

    Portuguese blueprints for the caravel, a light and fast sailing vessel

    Sub-Saharan African ivory carvings depicting Muslim merchant caravans

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