Arts, English, Education



Interdisciplinary Education


11 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
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    (Rem.) This article was about...

    An interdisciplinary, literature-based approach for teaching K-2nd grade children w/LI through the visual arts

    An interdisciplinary, science-based approach for teaching K-2nd grade children w/LI through the visual arts

    I didn’t read the article, and I have no clue what it was about

    Interdisciplinary education history

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt

    (Rem.) How prevalent are language impairments (LI) in US children?

    LI affects 3%-6%

    LI affects 3%-16%

    LI affects 16%-20%

    LI affects 38%-52%

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    (Und.) Heath and Wolf (2005) studied young children who worked once a week for a year with a professional artist. Summarize those results.

    The children experienced a growth in their artistic skills, but a decline in their literary skills

    The children experienced a decline both in their artistic skills and literary skills

    The children experienced a gain in attention to detail, technical terms, manipulation of props, and variety of media

    The children experienced a gain in spelling, reading, and writing

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