
9th -



EnvSci 1:3 What causes Env Problems, and why do they Persist


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
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    Exponential growth occurs when a quantity, such as global human population, changes at a fixed percentage per unit of time, such as a 0.5% or 2% increase per year over the previous year.



  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    What is one environmental benefit of affluence?

    Increasing affluence allows for an increased capacity for resource consumption.

    Increasing affluence provides resources to apply toward the creation of environmentally beneficial technologies.

    Increasing affluence often leads to a desire to travel widely and frequently in order to see the world.

    Increasing affluence in more-developed nations leads to increased affluence in less-developed countries.

    Increasing affluence encourages consumers to spend more money on locally manufactured products.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    Many economists propose including the harmful environmental and health costs of producing and using goods and services in their market prices. What is this adjusted market price called?

    ecological deficit

    natural income


    full-cost pricing

    ax exemption

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