



Boar Out There


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
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    1. Which line from the story represents the climax?

    “High in the trees a blue-jay yelled and suddenly it was over. Jenny stood like a rock as the boar wildly flung his head and in terror bolted past her.”

    “Everyone in Glen Morgan knew that there was a wild boar in the woods over by the Miller farm.”

    “Finally, leaning against a tree to rest, she heard him for the first time.”

    “But mostly she is sorry that he lives in fear of bluejays and little girls, when everyone in Glen Morgan lives in fear of him.”

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    2. What is the main conflict in the story?

    The boar is injured.

    Jenny must face her fear of the unknown and deal with the fact that it isn’t what she imagined it to be.

    The townspeople of Glen Morgan live in fear of the boar.

    Jenny can’t bring herself to have the courage to face the boar.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    2. Which line from the exposition helps the reader understand Jenny’s bravery?

    "Everyone in Glen Morgan knew there was a wild boar in the woods."

    "She thought he might have a golden horn on his terrible head."

    "No one in Glen Morgan had ever gone past the old black Dodge and beyond."

    “She forgot to breathe, standing there listening to the stomping of hooves.”

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