



States of Matter


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    Matter is a substance that has volume and mass. Volume means that it takes up space. Mass is the amount of matter something is made of. Mass can be measured in kilograms, grams or milligrams. Matter comes in three basic states: solid, liquid and gas. A fourth state, plasma, only occurs under very special circumstances.

    All substances are made of matter, and matter itself is made up of particles, including single atoms and/or molecules. Because different atoms have varying numbers of protons and neutrons in their nucleus, the matter of different substances contains different masses.

    Density is the amount of matter a substance has in a given amount of space. Density is a useful measure because it isn't affected by pressure or temperature. If two objects have equal volume, but one has more mass, the one with more mass is denser. If a something has less density than a liquid, it will float on top of it; if it's denser, it will sink.

    Oil is less dense than water. What happens when you mix the two liquids together?

    oil sinks to the bottom

    The two become one smooth mixture.

    The oil floats on top of the water.

    The water turns to gas inside the oil.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
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    Phase is the state of matter at a given temperature and pressure. There are four possible phases for most substances: solid, liquid, gaseous and plasma. Phase is caused by the force of the attraction between a substance's particles (all substances are composed of molecules and atoms that are actually moving at all times). The phase of a substance changes when a certain amount of energy and/or pressure is applied to it. Take liquid water, for example. If you lower the temperature on liquid water, it freezes to become a solid: ice. Raising the temperature on ice will cause it to melt, returning it to its former phase. In its gaseous state, it is water vapor.

    When you melt an ice cube, what is the new phase of the water?





  • 3. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
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    A solid is a substance that has a definite shape and volume. The volume of a solid object is measured in cubic units. Cubic means it has three dimensions (height, length and depth). The volume of a solid object is measured with a formula of length times width times depth. (L x W x D = V). In solids, the atoms and molecules are close together, creating a strong attraction between them. These particles vibrate in place but do not flow or move around, so the solid object maintains its shape and volume.

    A liquid is a substance that has a definite volume, but no definite shape. It takes on the shape of its container or simply spreads out upon a surface (think of a spilled glass of milk). The volume of a liquid is usually measured in liters or milliliters. In a liquid state, substances can change their shape because their atoms or molecules have more energy than they do in a solid state. This means that these particles are moving fast enough to overcome some of the force of attraction between them, thus allowing the liquid to flow.

    Which of these is a difference between a solid and a liquid?

    Solids are made of atoms, but liquids are not.

    A solid has volume but not shape, while a liquid has shape but not volume.

    The particles in a solid vibrate in place, while a liquid’s particles can flow.

    Solids are measured in three dimensions, but liquids are only measured in two.

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