Sains PT3 | Keradioaktifan (Radioactivity) | Part 1
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9th Grade
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Multiple Choice
Separuh hayat iodin ialah 6 hari. Suatu sampel mengandungi sejumlah iodin tertentu. Selepas 18 hari, hanya 9 g iodin yang tinggal. Berapakah jisim asal iodin tersebut?
The half-life of Iodine is 6 days. The sample contains certain amount of iodine. After 18 days, only 9 g of iodine left. How much is the mass of the Iodine originally?
18 g
36 g
72 g
144 g
Multiple Choice
Separuh hayat bagi strontium-93 ialah 8 minit. Hitungkan jisim strontium-93 selepas 24 minit dengan jisim asalnya 46.8g.
The half-life of strontium-93 is 8 minutes. Calculate the mass of strontium-93 after 24 minutes with the original mass is 46.8g.
23.4 g
11.7 g
5.85 g
2.93 g
Multiple Select
Apakah penemuan Marie dan Pierre Curie dalam keradioaktifan?
What is the discovery made by Marie and Pierre Currie in radioactivity?
Menemukan sinar-X
Discover X-ray
Menemukan keradioaktifan
Discover radioactivity
Mengesan pancaran radioaktif
Detect radioactive radiation
Mengekstrak elemen radium dan polonium daripada bijih uranium
Extracted two radioactive elements, polonium and radium from uranium ore
Multiple Choice
Pilih maksud KERADIOAKTIFAN yang betul.
Choose the CORRECT definition of Radioactivity.
Proses pereputan secara spontan bagi nukleus yang stabil dengan memancarkan sinaran radioaktif
A random and spontaneous decay process of a stable nucleus by emitting radioactive radiation.
Proses pereputan secara spontan bagi nukleus yang tidak stabil dengan memancarkan sinaran radioaktif
A random and spontaneous decay process of an unstable nucleus by emitting radioactive radiation.
Multiple Choice
Siapakah ahli sains yang menemukan SINAR-X?
Who is the scientist that discover X-ray?
Marie dan Pierre Curi
Antoine Henri Becquerel
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
Ernest Rutherford
Multiple Select
Berikan tiga contoh unsur radioaktif.
Give three examples of radioactive elements.
Carbon-14 (C-14)
Uranium-238 (U-238)
Thorium-232 (Th-232)
Vibranium-123 (V-123)
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