



7th Grade Text Structure Extra Practice


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    Read the text.

    Of the 1.3 billion residents of China, approximately 850 million speak Mandarin Chinese as their first language. For more than 60 million others, Cantonese Chinese is their first language. Although both languages are sometimes called "Chinese," the two sound so different that a Mandarin speaker and a Cantonese speaker cannot understand one another. Mandarin, spoken in Beijing and much of northern China, is the official language of mainland China. Cantonese, however, is more common in southern China and Hong Kong. Both languages are tonal, meaning that when pronouncing words, the voice must rise or fall in certain ways. However, Mandarin has four tones, while Cantonese has nine different ones.

    Which organizational structure does this text primarily use?



    compare and contrast

    cause and effect

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    Read the text.

    A special type of vote called a "popular referendum" gives voters the opportunity to cancel a law passed by their legislature. It's available to voters in twenty-four states. After the state legislature approves a law, voters can circulate a referendum petition. They must collect a specified number of voters' signatures within a certain number of days—generally ninety—and deliver them to a designated state official, usually the secretary of state. The official then must review and verify that the petition contains a sufficient number of valid signatures of registered voters. Once the signatures are certified, the referendum is placed on the ballot in a statewide election. At that point, the voters decide whether to approve or disapprove the law. If they disapprove it, it never goes into effect.

    Which structure does this text primarily use?




    compare and contrast

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    5 minutes
    1 pt

    "from The Discovery of DNA's Structure"

    They were hardly modest, these two brash young scientists who in 1953 declared...that they had "found the secret of life." But james Watson and Francis Crick's claim was a valid one, for they had in fact discovered the structure of DNA, the chemical that encodes instructions for building and replicating almost all living things.

    Watson and Crick's discovery didn't come out of the blue. As early as 1943 Oswald Avery proved what had been suspected: that DNA... carries genetic information. but no one knew how it worked.

    [Then, in 1951 at] King's College in London, Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins were studying DNA. Wilkins and Franklin used X-ray diffraction as their main tool--beaming X-rays through the molecule yielded a shadow picture of the molecule's structure.

    What is this mainly about?

    the ideas of many scientists came together, leading to the discovery of DNA's structure

    Oswald Avery was the first person to discover the structure of DNA

    Watson and Crick's discovery was the first of its kind of the structure of DNA.

    Watson an Crick discovered the function of the structure of DNA.

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