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In Greek philosopher Aristotle’s world, was politike, the short form of politike episteme, or political science.
An American political scientist, who identified the political system with the “authoritative allocation of values for a society”.
An American political scientist widely used another definition of politics. He defined it as “who gets what, when, and how.”
Includes the decision-making and decision- enforcing processes in any group that makes and enforces rules for its members.
he described politics as human activity concerned with the authoritative decision-making and action by the government which results in an authoritative allocation of values for society.
Politics he wrote, is concerned with how official governmental decision-making and action identifies.
Greek philosopher involves political science is the study of the work or function of a politician or statesman.
In the 16th century a French philosopher coined the term Science Politique that gave the discipline a name, but limited its application to law because he was a lawyer.
Expanded the concept to mean all the functions of government are carried out through legislation, execution, and adjudication.
French philosopher, defined political science as a social science which deals with the foundation of the state and the principles of government.
_________meant the essential structure of an organization; in this sense, of the polis.
The structure defines the organization’s parts, the functions of each, and their relationship to each other.
As social science, political science centers on the systematic study of political and governmental institutions.
_______________ students are made to analyze the nature of power, types of political leadership and systems of government, examples of constitutions and public policy and its impact to society.
In this field of knowledge, the principles, processes, and structures of political and governmental institutions are given importance.
Which are the three philosophers mentioned in this topic?
Jean Bodin
Harold Lasswell
Paul Janet
Select all which describes "Politics"
It is the process by which policy-makers choose which actions they will and will not take.
In this field of knowledge, the principles, processes, and structures of political and governmental institutions are given importance.
These actions often leads to disagreement.
Involves the public issues which give rise to conflict.
Select all which describes "Political Science and Economics"
Economics traces its origin to the Greek word oikonomos, which means “household management” a concept associated with the individual and family.
The concept of household management transformed into “political economy,” a recognition that the economy of modern times is no longer limited to households alone but encompasses a whole nation.
As an expert in the field of economics, the economist lays the groundwork for the economic development of the country.
The field revolves around the study of social groups in society.
Which includes to the "Political Science and other Disciplines"
Political Science and History
Political Science and Economics
Political Science and Sociology
Political Science and Physiology
Political Science and Psychology
Who are the two American Political Scientists mentioned in this topic?
David Easton
Harold Maxwell
Harold Lasswell
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