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10 questions
what method was Asch's experiment
field experiment
lab experiment
natural experiment
The procedure was standardised meaning
All students experienced the same procedure
All participants were male
It took place in the 1950's
There was no researcher bias
what were the 2 experimental group results.
75% conformed at least once
35% never conformed
65% conformed at least once
25% never conformed
Asch concluded individuals may ____________ in real life situations for normative reasons.
Asch found that the presence of even 1 confederate going against majority can ___________ conformity
Why was the study not representative
The method was standardised
Several variables were controlled
all male american students were used
task of comparing lines does not represent real life situations
when participants write the answer down instead of saying it out loud conformity _______
when the lines are more similar in length the task is more difficult which ____________ conformity as people are _________
The results of the study showed....
normative social influence
Aschs' study had low ecological validity because
The task was not a real life situation
All participants were male
The data gathered was objective
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