
11th -



Community Colleges vs. Technical Schools


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    The author uses the following passage (paragraph 7) mostly to show __________________.

    "Unlike community colleges, which offer a wide variety of courses and room to change and explore, trade schools won’t let you have a do-over. If you began a nursing program and then decided you wanted to be a lab technician, you would have to start all over again. You should also keep in mind that preferred skills and school standings change rapidly."

    that students who attend technical schools are likely to encounter setbacks

    that there is some risk involved in attending a trade school

    that she doesn’t think attending trade schools is a good idea

    that students don’t need to be sure about what they want to study when they attend a trade school

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
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    How does the section called “Things to Consider About Technical Colleges” (paragraphs 7-10) mainly add to the development of the text?

    This section expands on the paragraph above by offering specific information about outcomes and possible situations students might encounter if they attend technical school, while also demonstrating that the stigma touched on earlier in the text is largely unfounded.

    This section offers statistics that are not presented in the paragraph above it and serves to prove the author’s point that technical schools present a worthwhile risk.

    This section offers specific salary information for graduates of technical schools in order to demonstrate that the possible risks of attending technical school are worth it in the end.

    This section summarizes why attending technical school is a worse option than attending a community college, so that readers can get an opinion about the information presented in the rest of the article.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
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    Which of these inferences about the author’s inclusion of the John Dewey quote is best supported by the text?

    The author disagrees with John Dewey and believes that graduates who attended technical schools can contribute in a very impactful way to their community.

    The author agrees with John Dewey and believes that students should choose community colleges over technical schools.

    The author ridicules John Dewey for his unfounded claims on technical schools.

    The author thinks that John Dewey’s claims are outdated and that those who attend technical schools can contribute more to their communities than those who attend four-year universities.

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