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20 questions
What is in the unit contract?
Assignments and the points you earn
Citizenship and particpation points
Feedback on your progress and participation from Mrs. Jilbert for your parent/guardian
All of the answers are true
How many citizenship and participation points do you get for every unit?
What do you need to do to earn all 25 participation points?
Mrs. Jilbert never takes late work
Can you retake a test if you think you can earn a higher score?
Yes, retakes are at tutoring
Yes, if you defeat Mrs. Jilbert at arm wrestling
How long do you have to make up work if you are absent?
3 days
Same number of days as you were absent
Within 7 days from the day you come back to school
There is no time limit for absent work
You turn in a homework assignment late but Mrs. Jilbert won't accept it. Why not?
She never takes late work
The work you turned in is incomplete
She is unfair
Type a way you can be responsible in science class. It can come from Mrs. Jilbert's website or be your own idea.
If you are falling behind in science or are confused by what we are learning, what should you do?
Of the science units we are doing this year, which one looks the most interesting to you?
Of the science units we are doing this year (aside from unit 0), which one looks the least interesting to you? Why?
If you turn in late work, how much credit do you get for it?
Full credit (100%)
B (80%)
C (70%)
Half credit (50%)
What day is there after school tutoring?
What is the common name of the species Pinhead Larry is?
How many science units are we doing 1st semester?
What are Science and Engineering Practices?
What are Cross Cutting Concepts?
What is the pink highlighter used for when we close read in science?
What is a CER?
What is the green highlighter used for when we close read?
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