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10 questions
Provide the label for structure 1/ Voorsien die byskrif vir struktuur 1.
Regulates the amount of light entering the eye and gives the eye its color./Reguleer die hoeveelheid lig wat in die oog ingaan en gee die oog kleur.
Which structure sends messages from the eye to the brain?/Watter struktuur stuur boodskappe vanaf die oog na die brein?
Optic Nerve/Optiese Senuwee
Spinal Cord/Rugmurg
Which of the following is the correct order in which light travels through the eye?
Watter een van die volgende is die korrekte volgorde waarin lig deur die oog beweeg?
Cornea, Lens, Retina, Pupil, Optic Nerve/
Kornea, Lens, Retina, Pupil, Optiese Senuwee
Pupil, Cornea, Lens, Retina, Optic Nerve
Pupil, Kornea, Lens, Retina, Optiese Senuwee
Cornea, Retina, Lens, Pupil, Optic Nerve/
Kornea, Retina, Lens, Pupil, Optiese Senuwee
Cornea, Pupil, Lens, Retina, Optic Nerve
Kornea, Pupil, Lens, Retina, Optiese Senuwee
An upside-down image of the object you are looking at is projected here. /'n Onderste-bo beeld van die voorwerp waarna jy kyk word hier projekteer.
Image 1 illustrates the diameter of the pupil in.../Diagram 1 toon die deursnee van pupil in...
Bright light/ Helder lig
Dull light/Dowwe lig
Which options provide the correct action of the muscles of the iris for Diagram 2/ Watter opsie gee die korrekte aksie van die spiere van die iris vir Diagram 2.
circular muscles contract, radial muscles contract
kringspiere trek saam, radiale spiere trek saam
circular muscles relax, radial muscles contract
kringspiere ontspan, radiale spiere trek saam
circular muscles relax, radial muscles relax
kringspiere ontspan, radiale spiere ontspan
circular muscles contract, radial muscles relax
kringspiere trek saam, radiale spiere ontspan
Fibres that the lens are attached to the ciliary body, are called the...
Vesels waarmee die lens aan die siliêre liggaam vas is, word genoem die...
Radial muscles/Radiale spiere
Suspensory ligaments/Suspensoriese ligamente
Circular muscles/Kringspiere
Diagram 2 shows the shape of the lens when looking at an object at which one of the following distances?/Diagram 2 wys die vorm van die lens as gekyk word na 'n voorwerp by watter een van die volgende afstande?
The adjustment of the curvature of the lens of the eye to focus on near or distance objects is called...
Die aanpassing van die kromming van die ooglens om op naby of veraf voorwerpe te fokus word genoem...
Pupillary mechanism/Pupilmeganisme
Lens aerobics/Lensaerobics
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