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15 questions
Fraction is a combination of...
Numerator & Denominator
Whole only
If the numerator is greater than the denominator then this type of fraction is called...
improper fraction
proper fraction
mixed number
unit fraction
If the denominator is greater than numerator then this type of fraction is called
improper fraction
proper fraction
unit fraction
mixed number
A fraction with whole number is known as
unit fraction
mixed number
proper fraction
improper fraction
What is this shaded fraction?
Classify each fraction as proper, improper or mixed numeral:
mixed number
proper fraction
improper fraction
Classify each fraction as proper, improper or mixed number:
mixed number
proper fraction
improper fraction
Classify each fraction as proper, improper or mixed number: 481
proper fraction
improper fraction
mixed number
Classify each fraction as proper, improper or mixed number: 67
proper fraction
improper fraction
mixed number
Classify each fraction as proper, improper or mixed number: 161
improper fraction
mixed number
proper fraction
Classify each fraction as proper, improper or mixed numeral: 1411
proper fraction
improper fraction
mixed numeral
Classify each fraction as proper, improper or mixed numeral: 2 83
proper fraction
improper fraction
mixed numeral
Classify each fraction as proper, improper or mixed numeral: 519
proper fraction
improper fraction
mixed numeral
Classify each fraction as proper, improper or mixed numeral: 71
proper fraction
improper fraction
mixed numeral
Classify each fraction as proper, improper or mixed numeral: 641
proper fraction
improper fraction
mixed numeral
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