



Protecting the Platypus


6 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    5 minutes
    1 pt

    The platypus is unusual in many ways. Which of the following statements about the platypus is not true?

    The platypus only has three webbed feet.

    The platypus lives in Australia.

    The platypus lays eggs.

    The platypus provides milk to its young directly through the skin.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    5 minutes
    1 pt

    How does the author organize the information in this passage?

    The author lists events of a platypus' life in chronological order.

    The author identifies the problems facing the platypus and provides some solutions.

    The author compares the viewpoints of those who want to save the platypus with those who want to destroy its habitats.

    The author describes an effort to save the platypus and then describes the animal in detail.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    5 minutes
    1 pt

    Read the sentences:

    1. "In summer 2005 the situation grew more intense as workers began clearing the land."

    2. "'We're not moving until we save this place,' protester John Woodlands told a reporter."

    How does sentence 2 relate to sentence 1?

    Sentence 2 supports sentence 1's claim that the situation grew more intense

    Sentence 1 supports sentence 2's claim that John Woodlands would not move.

    Sentence 2 contrasts with sentence 1, giving an opposite opinion.

    Sentence 2 provides details about the summer of 2005, mentioned in sentence 1.

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