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10 questions
What do you use soap for?
To clean your hands and body.
To clean the window.
How long should you wash your hands for?
20 seconds.
1 minute.
What do you use to wash your hands?
Warm water and hand soap.
A wet cloth.
Should you wash your hands after you blow your nose?
When should you brush your teeth?
Every day.
Once a week.
What do you use your toothbrush for?
To brush your teeth.
To clean your nails.
When should you bath or shower?
Once a week.
What should you use to dry your face after washing it?
A dry towel.
Your T shirt.
Why is it important to wash your hair?
Because dirt and smells can stick to your hair.
Because your hair gets dry.
What does personal hygiene mean?
How clean you are.
How shiny your shoes are.
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