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10 questions
What do you call the numbers written at the beginning of the staff?
so-fa syllable
time signature
rhytmic pattern
It refers to the flow, the breathing pattern or simply the pulse in music. What is it?
In 6/8 time signature, what does the lower number tell?
the note that receives one beat
an eight note that receives one beat
there are 8 beats in a measure
a quarter note receives one beat
Which of the following songs has 2/4 time signature?
Si Pilemon
Magtanim ay Di Biro
Paru-parong Bukid
Which note below has an equivalent rhythmic syllable in "Kodaly Method" as da-a?
half note
eighth note
quarter note
dotted quarter note
What is the value of this musical symbol?
What do you call this musical symbol?
half note
whole rest
eighth rest
sixteenth rest
What is the time signature on the given rhythmic pattern?
2/4 time signature
3/4 time signature
4/4 time signature
6/8 time signature
What is the time signature on the given rhythmic pattern?
2/4 time signature
3/4 time signature
4/4 time signature
6/8 time signature
What is the time signature on the given rhythmic pattern?
2/4 time signature
3/4 time signature
4/4 time signature
6/8 time signature
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