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Reading ~ Chapters, Scenes, and Stanzas (RL 5.5)


8 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    15 minutes
    1 pt

    It's quiet when I enter the forest,

    Leaves crunching beneath my feet

    Wind softly rustling the treetops,

    Their limbs dancing silently

    As the sun gently peeps through

    To keep watch over me.

    As I step farther into this world,

    It comes alive with sound,

    For they know I'm here;

    The woodland dwellers—

    Chirping, croaking, skittering, peeping

    As the forest awakens.

    How many stanzas does this poem have?





  • 2. Multiple Choice
    15 minutes
    1 pt

    Once there was a young girl in a small town. She seemed to be a plain, normal girl. During the day, people at the market would not even look at her twice. She was polite, quiet, and smart. Most people in the town barely noticed her. Those who did notice her could never remember her name. She was just a girl to them.

    To her father, however, she was special. You see, her father owned a small bakery. He did not enjoy baking. In fact, he hated it. He really wanted to be an inventor. He had all kinds of inventions sitting around the house, collecting dust. After he made one, he moved on to the next. The girl had to keep the bakery open so that her father could have money to invent and to buy food to eat. So, the girl used her talents.

    What was her talent, you ask? It's very simple. The girl would make one of each item the bakery sold. Then, she would tell that roll, cookie, or cake, "Make twenty more." Before her very eyes, the baked good would multiply until it reached the number she wanted.

    A reader can tell this selection is fiction because

    the girl works every day at her dad's bakery.

    the girl lives in a small town with her dad.

    the girl makes something magical happen.

    the passage gives facts about the town.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    15 minutes
    1 pt

    For Rosa Parks

    by J. Robbins

    They said, "Stand," but Rosa sat;

    She knew it wasn't right

    to treat her as if she was wrong

    because she wasn't white.

    She knew that freedom is a fight

    that only brave souls win;

    She also knew our value lies

    in what's beneath our skin.

    Rosa fought for what is right;

    Her courage paved the way

    for kids like you and me to ride

    the freedom train today.

    What genre does this piece belong in?

    a biography



    a legend

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