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30 questions
Right or Responsibility? Obey school rules.
Right or responsibility? Going to school.
Right or responsibility? Having a comfortable bed to sleep in.
Right or responsibility? Respecting your classmates.
Right or responsibility? Work hard at school.
Right or responsibility? Having good food to eat.
Right or responsibility? Listening to the teacher.
Right or responsibility? Having a loving family.
Right or responsibility? Expressing your opinion.
Right or responsibility? Practicing your religion.
Right or responsibility? Being safe at home.
Right or responsibility? Not harming people with your words.
I have the right to express my opinion and the responsibility to...
treat others fairly.
respect others.
listen respectfully to other people's opinion.
I have the right to be treated with respect and the responsibility to...
not harm people with my words.
respect others.
demand attention all the time.
I have the right to be treated fairly and the responsibility to...
cheat while playing a game.
treat others fairly.
respect others.
I have the right to speak freely and the responsibility to...
give a speech in class.
not harming people with my words.
listen respectfully to other people's opinion.
I have the right to be safe at school and at home and the responsibility to...
not endanger other people with my actions.
clean my desk and room.
break things that I don't like.
I have the right to privacy and the responsibility to...
put the things that I touched in their place.
annoy other people.
respect the privacy of others.
I have the right to have school supplies and the responsibility to...
take care of them.
give them to the poor.
exchange them with someone else.
I have the right to learn and the responsibility to...
distract others while the teacher is explaining.
sing the national anthem during the break.
pay attention in class so others can learn as well.
I have a right to ask for the teacher's help and the responsibility to...
leave the class if I need to talk to my friend.
follow instructions that are given to me by the teacher.
throw a paper plane to catch my teacher's attention.
I have the right to a good education and the responsibility to...
come to school happy.
choose my own teacher.
do my best.
I have the right to play and the responsibility to...
always come first in every game.
share and take turns.
always choose the games I want to play.
I have a right to be fed and the responsibility to...
throw away the food that I don't eat.
eat a McDonald's meal once a week.
eat foods that are healthy.
I have the right to a home and the responsibility to...
keep it nice and clean.
sing while I shower.
paint my room with my favourite colour.
I have the right to have clothes to wear and the responsibility to...
demand expensive clothes.
take care of them and keep them in a good condition.
throw away the clothes that no longer fit me.
I have the right to friendship and the responsibility to...
make sure that no-one is left without friends.
play with the most popular kids.
hit them when we have a disagreement.
I have the right to fresh water and the responsibility...
to drink 8 glasses of water everyday.
not to waste it.
to drink only Kristall water.
I have the right to a loving and caring family and the responsibility to...
stop loving them if they treat me wrong.
love one member of the family more than the other.
be nice to them and listen to them.
I have the right to receive medical treatment if I get hurt and the responsibility to...
know how to keep myself safe.
help others if they are hurt.
have a first aid box.
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