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27 questions
Happy - Is this a thought, feeling or action?
"I'll be okay" - Is this a thought, feeling or action?
Hopping on one foot - Is this a thought, feeling or action?
Angry - Is this a thought, feeling or action?
Playing - Is this a thought, feeling or action?
Calm - Is this a thought, feeling or action?
Crying - Is this a thought, feeling or action?
"I can't do it!" - Is this a thought, feeling or action?
Scared - Is this a thought, feeling or action?
"I'm good at this!" - Is this a thought, feeling or action?
Eating ice cream - Is this a thought, feeling or action?
Lonely - Is this a thought, feeling or action?
"They don't like me" - Is this a thought, feeling or action?
Taking a deep breath - Is this a thought, feeling or action?
Worried - Is this a thought, feeling or action?
Hitting - Is this a thought, feeling or action?
Sad - Is this a thought, feeling or action?
Hiding - Is this a thought, feeling or action?
Talking to a friend - Is this a thought, feeling or action?
Excited - Is this a thought, feeling or action?
"It's my fault" - Is this a thought, feeling or action?
Singing - Is this a thought, feeling or action?
"She's mad at me" - Is this a thought, feeling or action?
Taking a Walk - Is this a thought, feeling or action?
Running - Is this a thought, feeling or action?
"I don't know what to do"- Is this a thought, feeling or action?
"I am bad at this"- Is this a thought, feeling or action?
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