



"Help Him Up!"


4 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
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    Which statement best expresses the central idea of this article?

    When a normal commute home is interrupted, it can cause lifelong fear and anxiety for New York City residents.

    Some people will selflessly take extraordinary action to save people who are in danger because they feel responsible.

    After performing a heroic action, rescuers such as Capuzzo and Lindsey often become arrogant.

    New Yorkers rarely help each other or show concern when tragedy strikes.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt

    In paragraphs 1-4, how does the author introduce the people on the platform at the beginning of the narrative?

    by implying that the people on the platform knew the man was in danger

    by demonstrating how caring and kind the people on the platform could be

    by contrasting other people’s curiosity with the way the narrator kept to himself

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt

    How does paragraph 14 contribute to the text?

    It explains how the man fell onto the subway tracks.

    It shows how the author took heroic action to save the man on the tracks.

    It describes how the people in the subway station did not do enough to help.

    It creates tension and suspense by describing what happened before the man was rescued.

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