
4th -



Probability Test (Year 7)


30 questions

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  • 1. Poll
    15 minutes

    Welcome to the Year 7 Probability Test.

    Please read the following instructions before you start.

    1) Make sure that you have joined using your Full Name (if not, quit now and join again using your full name). You'll receive a zero if you fail to use your correct full name.

    2) You have up to 60 minutes to complete the test. Any questions attempted after the time limit will not be marked.

    3) There is no specific time limit on each question.

    4) Some questions contain a picture and may take a few seconds to load. Be patient.

    5) You can use a calculator during the test.

    6) You can refer to your bound reference during the test.

    7) You need a pen and a work book (or sheets of blank paper) to work out some of the questions. Get them ready.

    8) You can attempt the test more than once. However, your second lowest score will be used as your result if you attempt more than once.

    9) After you finish the test, you will see a result. However, your actual result might be different. Your actual result will be updated on Compass.

    Do you fully understand the above instructions?

    Yes, I understand fully

    Yes, I fully understand

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    15 minutes
    1 pt

    Choose the right word to describe the chance of the event happening.

    a) A coin is tossed and the result is a tail

    b) A standard die is rolled and the result is zero

    a) even; b) impossible

    a) even; b) certain

    a) certain; b) impossible

    a) certain; b) even

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    15 minutes
    1 pt

    Choose the right word to describe the chance of the event happening.

    a) 6 red marbles are placed in a bag and a red one is drawn

    b) A card is drawn from a standard deck and it is a red

    a) impossible; b) even

    a) even; b) certain

    a) certain; b) even

    a) impossible; b) certain

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