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Theory of Evolution and Origin of Life


25 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    The forelimbs of a whale, human, and bat all have similar bone structures therefor are examples of...

    analagous structures

    vestigial structures

    homologous structures

    convergent structures

  • 2. Multiple Choice
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    1 pt

    A snake has tiny hip bones where legs could attach, the bones have no function. How do the bones support evolution of snakes?

    the hip bones are vestigial structures that show evolutionary descendant from an ancestor

    the hip bones are analogous structure

    the hip bones are vestigial structures that show that snakes, worms and other legless animals evolved together

    the hip bones are homologous structures

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    How do mass extinctions affect the rate of evolutionary change?

    organisms that survive mass extinctions evolve more rapidly because they face limited competition.

    organisms evolve slowly after mass extinctions

    organisms do not evolve after mass extinctions

    evolutionary change occurs slowly after mass extinctions because a large number of species have become extinct over a relatively short time.

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