
9th -



Laws of Detachment and Syllogism Quiz


10 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    5 minutes
    12 pts

    Which law of logic is this?

    If I clean the bathroom, then I don't have to do the dishes.

    I cleaned the bathroom.

    Therefore, I don't have to do the dishes.

    Law of Detachment

    Law of Syllogism

    Law of Contrapositive


  • 2. Multiple Choice
    5 minutes
    1 pt
    If an angle is 40⁰, then it is acute.
    ∠A is 40⁰.
    Using the Law of Detachment, what is the logical statement to conclude?
    ∠A is complementary to ∠B
    ∠A is acute.
    ∠A is obtuse.
    ∠A is 40⁰
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    5 minutes
    12 pts
    Draw a conclusion from the statement.
    If a whole number is even, then its square is divisible by 4.
    The number I am thinking of is an even number.
    Then it's not odd.
    Then it's a whole number.
    Then its square is divisible by 4
    Then it's even.
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