



Ramayana: Plot Development


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    How does the sentence contribute to the development of the plot?

    "Not much later, as fate would have it a special prince was born in the capital city of Ayodhya."

    It reveals the resolution by showing who will defeat Ravana

    It begins the conflict by showing who will battle Ravana

    It contributes to the exposition by establishing the main characters and setting

    It contributes to the rising action by building suspense about Rama's situation

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    How does the sentence contribute to the development of the plot?

    "The demon snatched up the princess and sped away on his chariot."

    It creates suspense by showing how Rama searches for his wife

    It is a turning point in the story that changes the direction of Rama's journey

    It creates a mystery by revealing that Ravana is pretending to be someone else

    It shows the resolution by revealing that Rama will have to fight Ravana

  • 3. Multiple Choice
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    1 pt

    How does the excerpt contribute to the development of the plot?

    "As Vishvamitra performed last rites for the slain demon Tataka, he explained that Rama's actions that day would have ramifications in the future and cautioned him to always be mindful of his duty."

    It contributes to the exposition by introducing readers to Vishvamitra's character

    It provides rising action to the passage to build suspense

    It foreshadows events that happen later in the passage

    It states the climax of the story

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