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10 questions
Every chart must have a
chart name
chart title
chart slogan
chart word
When creating a chart title we should
use as few words as possible
make it really creative
try to use the wording of the question
make it 3 sentences long
On our X and Y axis we must always
insert axis titles
leave these blank
fill them in with numbers
remove them
Chart titles and axis titles should be
shown in bold
shown in capital letters
shown in italics
font size 14
The key at the side of the chart is called
a decoder
a what is where
a legend
the axis
we must add these so that the person reading the chart can see the exact figures clearly
data labels
information labels
number labels
item labels
To make the chart easier to print we must
print it as quickly as possible
move it to a new sheet
turn it upside down
zoom in
Before printing on excel we must ensure we have inserted
an inspirational quote
page numbers
our name as a custom footer
When adding up more than 2 cells in a spreadsheet we use
To find the average number in a range we use the formula
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