Build your own quiz


9th -



Read the Fine Print


9 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    WITH overdraft protection.

    ACTUAL balance of $200.

    You buy books amounting to $300 using your debit card.

    What is the result of this transaction?

    You are able to purchase $300 worth of books, You have a $35 fee for the overdraft You need to pay the bank with $100 as well.

    Since you had the necessary funds in your savings account, the transaction is OK

    Your card is declined because you don't have $300 in your checking account

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    What is the largest and most common checking account fee?

    Overdraft Fee

    ATM Service Fee

    Checking Printing Charges

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    Steve is opening his first checking account, and he's trying to decide whether he should sign up for overdraft protection.

    Which friend's advice is most accurate?

    Melanie says, "Overdraft protection is handy if you have an emergency (like needing gas to get to work) and don't have the funds right now."

    James says, "With overdraft protection, you never have to worry about how much money is in your account."

    David says, "Yes, you'll have to pay a fee for each overdraft, but you DON'T have to pay the bank back the money you overdrew the account by."

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