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Reading comprehension


10 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    3 minutes
    1 pt
    Weather reporters have to give out a lot of information. That's why they use pictures. The pictures help them tell us about the weather without using so many words. Weather reporters need to know where the cold air is. They need to know where the warm air is. They have to know where it is raining and what types of clouds are in the area. Their reports need to be correct, but they also need to be short. The pictures help weather reporters get the information out in a fast way.
    Which sentence best describes the main idea of the paragraph?
    Weather reporters need to know where the cold air is
    Pictures help weather reporters get information out in a fast way
    Their reports need to be correct, but they also need to be short
    They have to know where it is raining and what types of clouds are in the area
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt
    The wind blew through his hair as the boy watched the clouds roll in. As the waves grew bigger and bigger, he decided it was time to ride home. What is the boy doing?
    eating breakfast
    riding his bike
    playing with his friends
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt
    Lucy was furious about her spelling grade. She kicked her desk and ran out of the classroom.
    Why does the author use the word furious instead of mad in the example above?
    Furious is a fancier word than mad.
    Lucy was really upset.
    Lucy wasn't that mad at all.
    Lucy was going home.
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