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Emerging Technology


10 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    What does the term Emerging Technology mean?

    Brand new ideas and systems using technology that are in the design phase which has not yet started to come out in the market place

    New technologies that are currently developing which will ensure that their is minimal impact on our environment and to make society a better place to live

    New technologies that are currently developing or will be developed over the next five to ten years, and which will substantially alter the business and social environment.

    New design concepts which utilise the many new materials and technologies that have only recently been developed.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt
    A tape recorder is considered to be _____
    Emerging Technology
    Current Technology
    Obsolete Technology
    Crazy Technology
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt
    What is emerging technology?
    New developing technology within the next 5 years. 
    New developing technology within the last 5 years.
    A calculator
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