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3rd -



Pandora's Box


14 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt

    Zeus gave Pandora a little box with a big heavy lock on it. He made her promise never to open the box. He gave the key to Pandora's husband and told him to never open the box. Zeus was sure that Epimetheus' curiosity would get the better of him, and that either Epimetheus or his brother would open the box.

    What is the meaning of the word curiosity in the paragraph above?

    A need to know something

    having knowledge of something

    having too much pride

    sad because you are alone

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt

    Out flew every kind of disease and sickness, hate and envy, and all the bad things that people had never experienced before. Pandora slammed the lid closed, but it was too late. All the bad things were already out of the box. They flew away, out into the world.

    Read the above excerpt from the text and answer the question. What is a possible inference that can be made about man's life before the box was opened?

    Human's had a difficult life.

    Humans had to work hard for everything

    There was a lot of suffering in the world

    There was no suffering for manind,

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt

    Out flew every kind of disease and sickness, hate and envy, and all the bad things that people had never experienced before. Pandora slammed the lid closed, but it was too late. All the bad things were already out of the box. They flew away, out into the world.

    What can you infer about man's life AFTER the box was opened?

    Life was the same

    People got sick for the first time ever

    Zeus taught people how to use the fire

    Life was better than it was.

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