



Colonial America


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    The Proclamation Line of 1763 was drawn by the British along the Appalachian Mountains. The purpose, they said, was to protect the American colonists, though the actual reason probably had more to do with wanting to ‘keep an eye’ on them. Therefore, the mountains were a they acted as a barrier to further settlement to the west.

    they acted as a barrier to further settlement to the west

    they provided protection to the colonists from invading Indians

    they provided protection to the colonists from Spanish conquistadors

    animals lived there and were an important food source to major cities in the East

  • 2. Multiple Choice
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    After 1618, the Virginia Company's principal means of attracting new settlers was

    a system of land grants

    liberal suffrage requirements

    the granting of religious freedom

    payment of passage by the company

  • 3. Multiple Choice
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    The problem of raising money to settle the New World led English merchant-capitalists to create the institution of

    the joint-stock company

    the land lottery



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