



Plate Tectonics 2019


27 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt

    The outermost layer of the Earth has two types of crust. Which of the following statements best describes the crust?

    The thickest layer of Earth, with a dense continental crust and a less dense oceanic crust.

    The thickest layer of Earth, with a dense oceanic crust and a less dense continental crust.

    The thinnest layer of Earth, with a dense continental crust and a less dense oceanic crust.

    The thinnest layer of Earth, with a dense oceanic crust and a less dense continental crust.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt

    A layer of the earth that is made up of a solid and liquid part, composed of mostly iron and nickel, makes up roughly one-third of the Earth’s mass. Which question can be answered using the information above?

    Which of the following statements describes the core of Earth?

    Which of the following statements describes the crust of Earth?

    Which of the following statements describes the mantle of Earth?

    Which of the following statements describes the lithosphere of Earth?

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt

    As you descend through the Earth’s layers, from the crust down, temperature and pressure _________________________.

    both increase

    both decrease

    approach zero

    stay the same

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